Interesting to read two leading internet retailers suffering at the start of the year. have called in the administrators with the resulting loss of 300 jobs and have announced a significant amount of redundancies in the coming months.
Feel sorry for them? Well for the staff obviously but not the bosses of the companies that have sacrificed product quality for cheap prices. Its a daily occurrence for us to explain to some of our clients the world of difference between a cheap imported product that on the face of it seems a great bargain versus a branded product with associated warranties. We understand that our clients will want a good product at a sensible price but we are not an internet retailer. We have overheads, light, heat, rent and rates. We offer design, service and ongoing support and this comes at a cost. Fortunately most clients get this. Some don't and our policy of treating every client the same does on occasions catch us out when they use our knowledge, design ideas and even our showroom as a viewing platform to then seek the product for a few pound cheaper online. Well the proofs in the pudding - these online retailers are failing - where as us? We are growing our business, improving our offering and service at the same time. Come see us if you want to shop local. If you don't please think hard about whether its worth your time in the long run...